Avondale Forest Parkrun Confirms Return

Avondale Forest Parkrun

There was some good news today with the announcement that Avondale Forest parkrun will return on Saturday 27th August. The confirmation came from Coillte and Wicklow Local Sports Partnership.

The statement read “Avondale parkrun was suspended during the final stages of construction and during the very busy initial opening period. Extensive works have been completed to improve the trail surfaces.”

“The outstanding facilities now developed at Avondale will greatly enhance weekly parkrun experience, and the new Seed Café will provide participants with the opportunity to enjoy well-deserved refreshments after each event.”

“Parkrun is an international fixture worldwide, taking place each Saturday morning at 9.30am, which encourages people of all abilities to walk, jog and run 5KM in their local area.”

Further information about Avondale Forest parkrun is available here

If you fancy an event for children then the Arklow Duckpond Junior parkrun takes place every Sunday at 9:30am.

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