Arklow Duckpond Junior Parkrun set for return

The Arklow Duckpond Junior Parkrun has been cleared for a return from Sunday August 15th. It comes after discussions were held between Parkrun Ireland and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media. The Adult 5k Parkrun events will not yet be taking place in line with the Junior events.

In an announcement Parkrun Ireland said ;

“Sadly, because a number 5k events in Ireland are likely to exceed the current 500 participant limit, we are not able to bring back 5k events just yet.”

“In the absence of our 5k event series, and following processes applied in other territories, walking, jogging and running at junior parkrun events will be limited to children aged 4-10. This is due to concerns we have in relation to increased numbers of older children, particularly those who would normally participate at 5k events, presenting a safety risk to our youngest participants.”

“Since April this year we have opened over 250 junior events across Wales, Scotland, England, and Northern Ireland, and have seen wonderful examples of those aged 11-14 volunteering, spectating, or accompanying younger siblings. Children aged 11-14 will be able to record a finish time from the first Sunday after the first Saturday that 5k events return.”

“Whilst we are hopeful that, as the situation improves, we will begin to see a plan for the easing of restrictions sufficient to allow our 5k events to return, we are not at that stage yet. However, we remain in contact with the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, and will provide a further update on the situation regarding 5k events as soon as we have more to communicate”

The Arklow Duckpond Junior Parkrun is a free, timed 2 km event for kids aged 4-14 years. It takes place every Sunday morning at 9:30 am at the Duck Pond. The events will be limited to 4-10 year old once it returns on August 15th. For more information you can check out the Facebook Page here

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