Is your school, club or business behind The Big Cycle for Samaritans?

With just under six weeks to go until Paul Sutton, a volunteer with East Coast Samaritans takes to the saddle for his cross country cycle from Cork to Arklow, we caught up with him to see what The Big Cycle for Samaritans is all about.

What made you decide to cycle from Cork to Arklow?

‘I decided to take on the challenge this year just after I completed a 200km spinathon last year. I really enjoyed the challenge and just thought, how can I make this bigger? Someone had said to me last year as I finished cycling, that I might has well have cycled to Cork and it just sort of stuck in my head.’


Paul cools down after his 2023 Spinathon
Paul cools down after his 2023 Spinathon

Why would you not just cycle 250km?

When we looked at the distances from Cork, the route was bringing us in around the 216(km) mark. One of the key messages that Samaritans want to get out there is that they are available 24/7 so it seemed like the right thing to do and throw on the extra few kilometres. We re routed to bring it up to 247km and I’m going to make a brief stop at the Kilkenny Samaritans now too to make the numbers work.

What made you choose Samaritans to fundraise for?

Samaritans do fantastic work, even if I do say so myself! I’m a volunteer myself now and see first hand the amount of people they support every day. I think it was something like 5,000 people that our local Branch East Coast Samaritans helped last year. With Mental Health even worse since covid, the service is so badly needed. The service is entirely reliant on fundraising and donations and I’m fit and able so why not.


Paul night training for The Big Cycle for Samaritans
Paul night training for The Big Cycle for Samaritans

What are the messages you want to get out there Paul?

  • With Samaritans, You are never Alone
  • Samaritans are available 24/7 for anyone who needs emotional support.
  • Many small actions can result in big results.

How can people get behind The Big Cycle for Samaritans if they don’t cycle?

Get involved with The Big Cycle for Samaritans Graphic


There are 3 ways you can donate:

Sponsor a Spoke for €100. Not only will this help with running costs but the sponsors name will travel on the bike spokes with Paul, demonstrating that with Samaritans, you are never Alone.

Get your School or Club involved. Do your activity, Log your Kilometres and donate €1 per person. We want to show the power of many small actions in achieving big goals.

Donate directly here: The Big Cycle for Samaritans| Fundraising Event Ireland (

With running costs for the East Coast Samaritans – Arklow Branch coming in at almost €30,000 per year, they need people power to reach their target.

We can’t do it alone but we can do it together!


Paul will begin his cycle from Cork Samaritans branch at 10pm on Sunday night, 12th May. Arriving at Kilkenny Samaritans branch around 7.30am, he will have a quick refresh before saddling up again for the final leg which he expects to bring him into Arklow for around 4.30pm.


If you or someone you know is in need of emotional support, Samaritans are available to listen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 116 123 or by e-mail on

The Big Cycle for Samaritans exemplifies how individual actions, fuelled by compassion and determination, can create a ripple effect of positive change.

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