Storm Kathleen instigates Nationwide Met Eireann weather warning

Met Eireann have this morning issued a Nationwide weather warning in relation to incoming Storm Kathleen.


The Weather Warning for Arklow is currently at a status yellow although some Western parts of the country have an orange warning already in place.

The warning will be in place on Saturday, 6th April from 7am – 8pm.

Storm Kathleen is expected to bring with her stong southerly winds. Members of the public are advised of the possibility of fallen debris, coastal flooding in areas and potentially poor driving conditions in some areas.

Although Storm Kathleen is due to reach Irish shores early on Saturday morning, some parts of the coast may already have had a battering from Storm Olivia.

With Portugal currently hosting Storm Olivia, it looks like Wicklow may suffer an additional  lashing of wind and rain before Storm Kathleen hits.

Meanwhile, the UK Met Office have issued a Nationwide snow warning in relation to Storm Kathleen hitting their shores.

Arklow is also included in a Nationwide Gale Warning issued for all Irish Coastal Waters from 10pm on Friday 5th – 1am on Sunday 7th April.



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