Man charged with assault, threatening to kill and possession of knives following Arklow assault

Karl O’Reilly has been before the courts this morning in Bray, Co. Wicklow in relation to an incident which occurred in Arklow earlier this week.

The 40 year old man was seen assaulting a distressed woman before pushing her into the back of a van in the early hours of Tuesday morning, 12th March. The assailant who has an address in Granard, Co. Longford is known to have a violent criminal record.

A short time after the incident, Gardai issued a Nationwide alert for the yellow van. The appeal for information also included a warning for the public not to approach the vehicle if seen. Following the incident in Arklow, the man had travelled to Mayo with the woman in the van.

The victim, a 31 year old woman who cannot be named to protect her identity was located and brought to safety when the van was apprehended in Co. Mayo later the same day. The defendant was charged with assault, false imprisonment, threats to kill and possession of knives.

O’Reilly is due before the courts again via videolink next Thursday, 21st March. In the meantime, he has been remanded in custody after bail was refused on grounds of flight risk.


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