Local Election Hopeful expresses support for new business supports package

Laurie Kearon, the Fine Gael candidate for South Wicklow, has expressed her strong support for the new comprehensive business support package announced by the Government. This initiative is designed to alleviate the financial pressures on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in South Wicklow that have been impacted by both international and domestic economic challenges, including energy price inflation and the introduction of statutory measures like the Living Wage and Statutory Sick Leave.

“This robust package of supports is a testament to the Government’s commitment to nurturing a thriving business environment,” Laurie said. “The collaborative efforts of Ministers Peter Burke, Heather Humphreys, and Taoiseach Simon Harris have culminated in a series of strategic measures that will bolster our small businesses and ensure they remain competitive and resilient.”

Key elements of the new business support package include:

  • An increase in the employer PRSI threshold, which will reduce the cost burden on employers.
  • A reopening of the Increased Cost of Business Scheme, specifically targeting the retail and hospitality sectors with substantial financial support.
  • Enhancement of the Innovation Grant Scheme and the Energy Efficiency Grant Scheme, providing significant incentives for businesses to invest in innovative and energy-efficient solutions.
  • Expansion of the Trading Online Voucher, Digital for Business Consultancy Scheme, and Microfinance Ireland loans, which will broaden access to digital transformation and financial resources.
  • The launch of ‘Ireland’s Best Entrepreneur Programme’ and the online National Enterprise Hub, initiatives aimed at fostering entrepreneurship and providing seamless access to government supports.

“These measures reflect a deep understanding of the current economic landscape and the specific challenges faced by our SMEs,” Kearon added. “By reducing regulatory burdens and providing targeted financial support, we are not just supporting business survival but are actively facilitating future growth and innovation.”

In addition to her support for the announced measures, Laurie Kearon is also strongly advocating for the reintroduction of the special 9% VAT rate for businesses in the hospitality sector, which are still feeling the economic impacts of recent global events. “Reinstating the 9% VAT rate would provide a vital boost to these hard-pressed businesses, helping them recover and thrive in these challenging times,” said Mrs Kearon.

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