Arklow Primary Health Care Centre Services Confirmed

A list of services available in the new Arklow Primary Health Care Centre has been confirmed. The HSE has confirmed that all existing services in the old HSE building will be transferred to the new centre. A number of additional services will be available below. The Maryville Surgery will also be relocating to within the Care Centre. Construction work was initially scheduled to begin back in 2018 but several delays meant completion dates were pushed back. The new health care centre is set to be open in the coming weeks.

Existing services moving to the Arklow Primary Health Care Centre

  • Public Health Nursing services
  • Physiotherapy services
  • Occupational Therapy services
  • Speech & Language Therapy services
  • Psychology services
  • Dental services
  • Counseling in Primary Care (CIPC)
  • Smoking Cessation clinics
  • National Maternity Hospital Antenatal outreach clinics
  • GP Out-of-hour services
  • Community Intervention Team
  • Diagnostic services
  • Mental Health services

Additional Services

  • Arklow Community Mental Health Team
  • Psychiatry of Old Age outreach services
  • Rehab and Recovery Mental Health outreach services
  • Intellectual Disability outreach services
  • Diabetic RetinaScreen Programme on behalf of the National Screening Service
  • HSE Addiction Auxiliary Health Care service consisting of Youth Drug and Alcohol Services (YoDA), Counselling, Rehab services, and Outreach Harm Reduction will provide daily services and operate inclusively as key components of a comprehensive OST (Opioid Substitution Treatment) clinic on-site in Arklow PCC for service users. Youth Drug and Alcohol (YoDA) are a specialised under-18 service that will deliver service support to the Arklow region and operate from the OST clinic area at Arklow PCC.
  • Children’s Disability Network Team (CDNT) will provide support and services for children and young people and their families from birth to 18 years old with complex disabilities. The team will have dedicated spaces for meetings and intervention sessions with families and children from an interdisciplinary team.
  • TUSLA Child & Family services
  • Established GP Practice – Maryville Surgery with four GPs
  • McGorisks Pharmacy
  • Arklow Primary Care Centre will be a registered location for a Changing Places toilet facility and will be available to the general public from Monday to Friday.

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