Charity Retail Awards select Groovy Crew of Vincent’s Arklow as Finalists

As a welcome nod of appreciation to all of the work that goes into keeping windows fresh and enticing, Charity Retail Ireland announced earlier today that the Vincent’s Charity Shop in Arklow has been shortlisted as a finalist in this years Charity Retail Awards. The awards ceremony which takes place on Friday 24th April at the Midlands Park Hotel brings together the best of the Charity Retail Sector to both acknowledge and celebrate the work they do aswell as highlighting the impacts of the Charity Retail Sector on the communities they serve.

Vincent’s Charity Shop on Arklow’s Main Street has been in its current premises since the early nineties but in the last year has become somewhat of a focal point since Shop Manager Tammy Byrne took the reigns just under one year ago. Locals and passers by are treated to regularly changing window displays filled with everything from musical instruments to wedding dresses, each display carefully planned and executed like a stealth mission changing overnight.

With March 2024 being an especially busy month for occasions, festivals and celebrations, there was barely time to blink between set changes and bank holidays, never mind to think about awards. Throughout the month, the shop team presented no less than 6 themes in their windows making their nomination for Shop Team of The Year even more special. It’s well known that teams who perform well under pressure and the gold dust to any organisation

A team that goes above and beyond on a daily basis. I’m blessed to part of the most amazing team. – Tammy Byrne, Shop Manager, Vincent’s Arklow

What are the Charity Retail Awards?

Charity Retail Ireland have said in a press release, ‘We will be holding our heart warming and much anticipated Annual Awards ceremony. This is an opportunity to celebrate the unsung heroes who run our charity shops throughout the country. We will be recognising the value and contribution of our volunteers, shop teams and shop managers and choosing the best shop windows and online presence. Judged by a team of external industry experts, this event brings us all together in a joyful, and sometimes tearful, event.’


Charity Retail Awards
Charity Retail Award Winners 2022

Who are Charity Retail Ireland?

Charity Retail Ireland is the all island representative body for charities who operate in the retail space to the triple bottom line, having a significant financial, social and environmental impact. We are funded by our charity members and through corporate partnerships. Our members range from large national charities to local, community based charities and our 43 members operate over 420 shops on the island of Ireland. All our members are registered with the Charities Regulator or the Charity Commission of Northern Ireland. All members have also signed up to our Code of Charity Retailing as a condition of their membership.

With the move away from fast fashion gathering pace, Charity Retail Ireland will be focusing on building awareness of local charity shops as fashion destinations. Twin themes of The Power of People and Preparing for the Future will be the focus for Charity Retail Week 2024.

We caught up with shop Manager at Vincent’s Arklow, Tammy Byrne to ask how she felt about being shortlisted.

‘We are all absolutely thrilled to have made it to the Shortlist and Finals of the Charity Retail Ireland Awards. The work, passion and commitment these amazing ladies is evident across  every thing they do. They Selflessly turn up day after day to be of help and service the people of Arklow.
They are a credit to the Arklow Community. Supportive, compassionate and always on hand to welcome those who call in for a browse & chat.’

Charity Shops provide a unique example of the Triple Bottom Line concept. Although the term is a bit of a mouthful, it boils down to three straight forward key benefits: creating a funding stream for charities, providing employment and training opportunities in the  community and thirdly, it prevents textiles, bric a brac and other items from ending up in landfill.

Charity Retail Ireland will also be launching their Charity Retail Impact Report which highlights the economic, social and environmental value of the charity retail sector. Every year Charity Retail Ireland conducts a survey with its members to evaluate how shops deliver on the triple bottom line principles.

Arklow appears to be somewhat of a mecca for Charity shop enthusiasts already. With 5 charity shops along the main street, the town would seem to be already in the driving seat for the reloved revolution. With teens today becoming savvier when it comes to the impacts of fast fashion on both climate change and human health, will we see an increase in charity shops across the country in coming years? Are Arklow in fact leading the charge in sustainable choices already?

Charity Retail Ireland are also keen to acknowledge the input of Cookstown Textile Recyclers (CTR) who are the main sponsor for Charity Retail Week this year. CTR is Ireland’s largest textile recycling company of more than 20 years. CTR works closely with charities, government bodies and waste management organisations, both locally and nationally, to divert used clothes and textiles from landfill.

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