Arklow Community groups well represented at the Local Enhancement Programme Awards

An Taoiseach Simon Harris announced the successful projects on Tuesday with Arklow Community Groups being well represented on the night. An Awards Ceremony held in the Tramway Theatre, Blessington on Tuesday evening, 21st May 2024 saw almost 150 groups receive financial assistance to assist with their community work and ultimately, enhancing their local area.

Local Enhancement Programme 2024

The Local Enhancement Programme is about giving a helping hand to our local groups and clubs, who are the building blocks of Irish community life. I want to congratulate the successful applicants and to thank them for the vital work they do in providing services in our local communities. These grants will help hundreds of community organisations, clubs, men’s and women’s sheds, youth centres and parish halls, to continue to provide their valuable services to the people in their areas.” – Simon Harris, Taoiseach 

The Local Enhancement Programme 2024 was launched in December 2023 by Heather Humphreys TD, Minister for Rural and Community Development and Joe O’Brien TD, Minister of State with Responsibility for Community Development and Charities. €176,338.11 was allocated to Wicklow County Council, €29,389.69 of which has been reserved for Women’s groups in recognition of the fact that there are a growing number of Women’s Sheds, Groups and Networks across the country. The funding will provide capital supports essential for the many small community groups and organisations, particularly those who serve disadvantaged areas in rural and urban areas.

The Department of Rural and Community Development’s Local Enhancement Programme 2024 is administered by Local Community Development Committees, with support from the Local Authority, in each area.

Arklow Community Groups

Many Arklow groups benefitted from Awards on the night including; 402 Art Collective, Arklow Music Festival, Arklow Cat Rescue, Arklow Rock Parnells Hurling & Camogie, Arklow Town Team, East Coast Samaritans, The House, Little Warriors.

Speaking on the award, Carol Murphy of The House said, ‘The House are extremely grateful to Wicklow County Council for our recent funding award. This funding will go towards new gaming equipment and a sensory den for our teens. Without this funding, our club wouldn’t be able to provide the resources and supports for our teens that it does. The difference having these new items will make is huge and we are extremely thankful to have been successful in our application to the Local Enhancement Programme 2024.’

The House is an Inclusive club for kids between 10 and 16 years old. A safe welcoming place for teens to be with their peers with fully trained and vetted staff supervising.

Proof of diagnosis is not required and a registration is required. You can contact The House on 089 499 8162 or

The House sign


Almost 150 groups were awarded funding on the night. You can view the full list of LEP award recipients here:

Cathaoirleach of Wicklow County Council, Cllr. Aoife Flynn Kennedy thanked all those in attendance, particularly An Taoiseach, Simon Harris, fellow Councillors and Michael Nicholson, Director of Services Wicklow County Council and Chief Officer of Wicklow Local Community Development Committee, and Cllr. Melanie Corrigan, Chair of Wicklow Local Community Development Committee.

The Cathaoirleach then went on to thank the local groups and organisations throughout County Wicklow, “This funding is invaluable to the many groups and organisations who work tirelessly in their area to improve facilities for everyone and foster a sense of community and inclusivity.  Your work helps to build communities and leaves a legacy for those who follow.”

Chief Executive of Wicklow County Council Emer O’Gorman stated, “This funding will provide a welcome boost to local volunteers in their efforts to develop facilities and encourage participation in community activities.”

Cllr. Melanie Corrigan, Chair of Wicklow Local Community Development Committee, also welcomed the funding which is administered via the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC), “The LEP funding is about giving a helping hand to our communities, local groups and clubs and to ensure local priorities are identified and met, so as to improve and enhance community facilities for all.”

I’m really delighted that close to 150 organisations in County Wicklow are receiving funding which will go a long way in benefiting so many in the localities. On top of this 26 Women’s Organisations in County Wicklow are receiving ring-fenced funding as part of the LEP allocation.”

Pictured above: Kirsten and Anita of Little Warriors (centre) receiving their award from Aoife Flynn- Kennedy, Cathaoirleach of Wicklow County Council and Melaine Corrigan, Chair of Wicklow Local Community Development Committee

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