Arklow Community digs deep with support for The Big Cycle for Samaritans

East Coast Samaritans who represent Wicklow and North Wexford are said to be blown away by the support they have been receiving for The Big Cycle for Samaritans, a fundraising initiative by a local businessman. 

As the countdown to The Big Cycle for Samaritans continues, people across Wicklow and Wexford have been pledging their support for The Big Cycle for Samaritans. With almost 20 clubs and schools backing the cause, the momentum is building for this much-anticipated charity event which aims to raise vital funds and awareness of the Samaritans. 

Big Love for The Big Cycle at Arklow Rugby Club
Big Love for The Big Cycle at Arklow Rugby Club

The action-packed campaign to raise €30,000 to cover running costs for the East Coast Samaritans kicked off this May Bank Holiday with a full day of spinning at Bridgewater Shopping Centre, a Family Fun Day at Arklow Rugby Club and two local clubs creating some beautiful wheel art which will be presented at the branch offices in Arklow later this week.  

The Big Cycle for Samaritans is a community fundraiser which aims to drive awareness across the Wicklow and North Wexford areas. With over 4000 calls and emails for emotional support being answered by East Coast Samaritans in the first 4 months of the year, the service has become a vital lifeline for many. The key message that Samaritans want to share is that you are never alone when you can call Samaritans on 116 123 at any time, night or day. 

You can donate directly to The Big Cycle for Samaritans here: The Big Cycle for Samaritans| Fundraising Event Ireland (


The Big Cycle Supporters at Bridgewater Shopping Centre
The Big Cycle Supporters at Bridgewater Shopping Centre

Paul Sutton, a Greystones man and self confessed ‘blow-in’ to Arklow, came up with the challenge of cycling 247km to highlight the availability of Samaritans 24/7. The result of which, sees him travelling from Cork Samaritans to Kilkenny Samaritans and completing his journey with his arrival his local branch in Arklow, East Coast Samaritans. 34 year old Paul, a retired Wicklow County hurler, was adamant that he wanted to complete the challenge in one go and so has carefully plotted a journey which commences at 10pm on Sunday night and sees him return to Arklow Town at 4.30pm on Monday 13th May to coincide with the first day of European Mental Health Week. 

The local coffee shop owner says he has been knocked for six by the support his customers and locals alike have offered him. “It can be hard asking customers to support your cause when there are so many charities and local groups crying out for funding but the thing about Samaritans is that it really is a service that anyone can use. Many people that come into the cafe comment that they have used the service or know someone that has and they want to show their support before I even ask.”Paul Sutton, Volunteer Samaritan, East Coast Samaritans

Continuing with their full pelt fundraising drive, East Coast Samaritans will be at SuperValu, Church Road Greystones on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th May to talk about the work Samaritans do and to ask for the public’s support with their mammoth fundraiser. Shoppers can look forward to speaking with the volunteer teams and finding out more about The Big Cycle for Samaritans. 

The team at Funworks backing The Big Cycle
The team at Funworks backing The Big Cycle

To date, there have had Businesses, Clubs, Schools and Individuals come on board to pledge their support and help East Coast Samaritans reach their fundraising target. Over the next 2 weeks, there are a number of events planned with lots of variety including Art, Sport, Music and lots of cycling! You can keep up to date with events on East Coast Samaritans on their Facebook and Instagram

Brigid Flynn, Deputy Director of Outreach with East Coast Samaritans, expressed her gratitude for the overwhelming support received thus far: “The outpouring of support from communities and clubs across Ireland has been truly heart warming. Together, we are making a significant impact in raising awareness and funds for Samaritans, ensuring that vital support is available to those who need it most.”


The fundraising team, all of whom are also volunteers, have been reaching out to Businesses and Clubs across Counties Wicklow and Wexford asking for their support in sponsoring spoked on Pauls bike. With 8 spokes left to sponsor, they are asking local businesses to get neighbourly and team up with another business to sponsor a spoke. Each spoke costs just €100 and your name/s will appear on it as it travels from Cork to Arklow with Paul. 

Little Warriors and All Kinds of Amazing at Funworks
Little Warriors and All Kinds of Amazing at Funworks


Damien Byrne, Director at East Coast Samaritans said: “We are absolutely blown away by the support we are getting. The Big Cycle really is a community awareness event which is bringing in essential funds for us. Our message is simple. You are never alone, we are here 24/7. The more people who hear the message, the more people we can help. There is still time to get involved so please do reach out to us on

For more information on how to get involved, donate, or sponsor a spoke, please call Paul on 085 172 9192 or contact at

East Coast Samaritans

East Coast Samaritans are a completely voluntary organisation. There are no paid staff at East Coast Samaritans. The branch relies solely on donations and adhoc grants. 

If you or someone you know is in need of emotional support or someone to listen with a non-judgemental ear, call 116 123 or e-mail

By organising community events and fundraising activities, Samaritans seek to reduce the number of deaths by suicide each year and contribute to the vital work of supporting anyone in need of emotional support at any time.

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